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"The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration."

Claude Monet

Mel Chambers is a self-taught artist based on the beautiful Helford River near Falmouth in Cornwall. As well as being the creator of Alchemy Tiles, she is also a painter, a sculptress, and former Partner at Studio 45, a community pottery studio that was based on the Dartington Estate in Devon.

She has worked alongside some inspiring creators including Richenda Macgregor (The Potting Shed & Studio 45) and Iris Milward (Poetry Tiles). Combined with her background in business, permaculture, teaching, and presenting, she has become a sort after artisan and speaker and travels extensively to shows, conferences and galleries across the UK.

Inspired by her surroundings and a keen conservationist for the ocean and the environment, Mel’s work is carried out as ethically and sustainably as possible. She brings to life the beauty of poetry, inspiring quotes and images of all the magic that surrounds us. Her work portrays not only the beauty of the wild but also that which surrounds us daily, including the animals and sentient beings that share our everyday lives and are closest to our hearts.

She is also very proud to be part of the Made in Cornwall Scheme. After rigorous testing by trading standards, she achieved top marks and is part of an amazing and talented community of Cornish artisans creating genuine Cornish products.

Discover Mel's story on Google Arts and Culture: